Redesign your career. Work flexibly and enjoy a fulfilling family life.

We have appeared on:

Become a digital professional


with a program designed especially for mothers.

With results like this:

“I managed to quit my job and get 3 clients in just 2 months.” -Judith Llopis

You, too, will want to join our METHODOLOGY and fulfill your dreams of reinvention.

Your child.

The day your children come into the world represents a double birth:


Priorities change. You overflow with love while time becomes a scarce commodity you juggle to get everything done.

Becoming a mother means leaving your old life behind and adapting to the new family needs that arise.

Children require time and attention.

And that’s why it’s often not easy to resume your working career.


Your child.

The day your children come into the world represents a double birth:


Priorities change. You overflow with love while time becomes a scarce commodity you juggle to get everything done.

Becoming a mother means leaving your old life behind and adapting to the new family needs that arise.

Children require time and attention.

And that’s why it’s often not easy to resume your working career.


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Business owners NEED people like you with the skills and tools we're going to teach you.

Since you became a mother…

With our methodology, you will learn tools and skills that are in high demand by business owners who are starved for time.

And the best part is that you DON’T HAVE TO COMMUTE to an office and waste useless hours in the car, train or subway. 

Say goodbye to having to choose between staying at home with your kids or having a professional career.


Welcome to the REALITY, where we can do both!

So, I'm sure you identify with one or more of these situations:

That is why you would like to take advantage of the time when your children are in school or the hours your baby sleeps to work, thus allowing you to remain fully present in your children’s day-to-day life.

You already use the Internet on a daily basis, so why not take advantage of its full potential to reinvent yourself professionally?

Now imagine

That this is you in just a few months…



You want to work from wherever you choose, whenever you choose.

We are convinced that you can enhance your skills by helping business owners achieve their business results.

We have good news for you.

At Reinvented Moms, we have been helping mothers reinvent themselves professionally for over 7 years, and have translated all our experience into four practical and targeted methodologies.

Reinvented Moms was created in 2016 and, since then, we have helped more than 5,000 moms live with passion, working from wherever they choose without giving up their life as a mother.

Explore our learning models designed to fit your lifestyle as a mother.

Unlike typical academic courses, we have developed methodologies especially designed for moms and their daily life rhythm, because we don’t want this to be another source of stress in your day-to-day life.

Here are the 2 main advantages of our methodology:

Do you want to know more about our careers so you can reinvent yourself?


Become a professional Social Media Manager and manage social media for businesses. Learn our ESTIMA agency methodology in a practical way by managing a real project.


Become a professional Virtual Assistant and perform administrative tasks to free up business owners’ time. Learn our SOLVENTA methodology in a practical way.


Reinvented Moms

1. Methodology

A methodology delivered through a mobile application, compatible with iOS and Android. Videos, practical exercises, reinforcement questions and a point system to self-motivate. This methodology in which you only need your cell phone will allow you to integrate the concepts faster, but above all:

2. Tools: mobile app, templates, software

Thanks to the tools we offer, you can become a digital professional and learn with total ease:

The most important thing is that you don’t need to be an expert to use these tools.

3. Lifetime access to a professional community

“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Meade.

This group is more than just a place to meet and chat. It is a private community where all of us Reinvented Moms come together to work deeply towards achieving our goals.

We share ideas, professional knowledge and job opportunities while continuing to take care of our family.

This is going to be the virtual office, where you will find colleagues and gain important benefits:

Most importantly, you don’t need to be an expert to take part in our community.

4. Constant support

From Monday to Friday, you will have access to a tutor trained in our methodology who is ready to answer all your questions. In addition, your tutor will moderate the conversation in the private Facebook group and channel those doubts that require the trainers’ intervention.

Every Friday, you can participate in live sessions with the creators of the course to address any questions that may have arisen during the week. If you can't join live, you can watch these sessions later at your convenience.
Thanks to this support, you will feel:

In short, you will have all the necessary support so that you do not feel alone at any time.

5. Annual Convention

Being part of Reinvented Moms and learning our methodology from your cell phone is priceless, but from time to time, we need to put faces to names.

Thanks to our community, you will have the opportunity to participate in our annual convention, where you can network and learn more.
Coming to the convention will allow you to:

6. Lifetime free updates and a digital certificate

We know that digital professions are constantly changing, and that's why we guarantee you lifetime updates, so you can stay updated without having to pay more for this. What’s more, at the end of the training you can get your digital certificate, which will allow you to:

7. TRAINING: How to sell yourself and get clients to knock on your door and fight for you.

It's not enough to acquire a new profession. You will also need to have the tools to offer your services and connect with potential clients. This training is designed to answer your questions and dispel all your doubts as you go out to get those first clients. Throughout these two dedicated weeks you will learn how to:

8. University Certification by IQS Universitat Ramon Llull

After more than 7 years with our own accreditation, on January 15, 2024 we signed an agreement with IQS, Universitat Ramon Llull, so that all our methodologies include a University Extension Certificate of 12 credits. This digital certificate will be issued by the university upon passing a final exam.



What some Reinvented Moms have experienced

Amaya joined in 2016 and thanks to that she has been able to work and spend quality time with her family all these years. She still thinks it was the best decision.
Hollie just finished her methodology and is already working for two clients. She feels fully supported by the community and optimistic about her future prospects.
Emilie is the kind of person who likes to keep learning and moving forward but she also decided to spend 100% of her time with her daughter. Now she found the balance she was looking for.

La metodología de Media Buyer de Mamis Digitales para mí es sinónimo de transformación. Creo que es el ejemplo perfecto de que una persona puede transformarse profesionalmente desde cero y sin necesidad de tener ningún conocimiento en publicidad.


Mamis Digitales me ha ayudado a entender que hay otra forma de trabajar, sin tener que salir a las ocho de la tarde de la oficina. Gracias a Mamis Digitales he descubuerto que una Project Manager puede liderar lanzamientos de todo tipo de productos ya que es una profesión con muchísimo potencial.


I didn’t feel fulfilled with my job and had feelings of guilt for not being able to spend time with my children. For me, the methodology is well organized yourself at your own pace, which is crucial for a mother.


A friend told me about this wonderful Reinvented Moms community. Now, I manage the social media for the site where I work, and I want to expand a little more.

-Ana María

I used to work weekends,  holidays, vacations… It was impossible for me to take vacations with my daughters. Now, I choose my work rhythm. What a big change!


Before Reinvented Moms, I didn’t know what to write in the profession box. Now I have several clients, and I can proudly put “Social Media Manager” in that box.”


I have dedicated my entire life to corporate event management, but COVID left me without work. While searching for alternatives, I found Reinvented Moms, which has completely changed my life.


Before Reinvented Moms, I was on temporary layoff, and that same year I was laid off from my job. In the process, I had already made the decision to reinvent myself, and now I am working on my own project with my clients.


Para Vanessa reinventarse como Community Manager ha sido dar rienda suelta a la creatividad y darse cuenta que es posible tener un trabajo en el que disfrutas cada día sin tener porqué ser monótono ni aburrido.

– Vanessa

Hacer la metodología DELEITA de Ecommerce Manager ha permitido que actualmente pueda estar trabajando con mis clientes y viviendo momentos de conciliación con mi hija. ¡Ha cambiado mi vida!


He podido ampliar y mejorar los servicios a mis clientes añadiendo la profesión de Copywriter a mi formación previa como Community Manager

– Raquel 

When I read through the Virtual Assistant curriculum, it seemed very compatible with my profession. I am learning a lot of tools.


I felt stuck and bored in an office, so I quit and then Reinvented Moms arrived by surprise. It has completely changed my life, now I’m happy!


I can assure you that once you’re part of Reinvented Moms, you’ll see all the support, even from your own colleagues, and you’ll realize it’s the best place to give it a try.


I have been able to learn while on my way home, to the doctor’s, to work… I have had a couple of interviews after finishing the course and have been able to count on my tutor’s support for advice and motivation.


I was already managing the social media of the company where I worked and I decided to train with Reinvented Moms to offer a more professional service. Now I dedicate myself exclusively to managing my clients social networks.


I am a chemical engineer and it is a very complicated field for women. During my pregnancy I discovered Reinvented Moms, and from there I felt that things had to change for me. That’s why I took the leap.


I am a publicist and I needed to update my profession since it was not oriented to the digital world. I’ve already got my first clients after finishing the mothodology.


Now you may be asking:

How much do I need to invest?

Reinvented Moms may not be the cheapest thing you'll find out there, but it teaches you how to get the results you want. You won't have to spend hours and hours learning on your own with free content.

It's an investment you'll be able to recoup in just a few months, and it will allow you to have the life you've been dreaming of. You will be joining a community that will help you transform your mindset and value your time.

An investment that will allow you to see your children grow up, show them that you are capable of pursuing your dreams and be the owner of your time.

It is the reinvention that frees you from jobs that force you to follow a schedule or work alongside bosses that may not value you. 

You can learn these professions in business schools by investing anywhere from $8.000 to $30.000.

When you compare all that with this investment you could make for your future, you will realize that the choice is SIMPLE.

And because we are committed to making Reinvented Moms accessible to ALL budgets…

¡Descubre su historia!

María empezó cobrando y 260€ al mes con su primer cliente y ahora tiene 5 clientes con los que factura 2,500€ al mes.

“Soy una persona muy planificada y organizada, pero al trabajar en casa podemos caer en tentaciones. Con los años he aprendido a gestionar mis 5 clientes trabajando entre 4 y 6 horas diarias”

Become part of Reinvented Moms and JOIN THE COMMUNITY that will help you achieve a balance between your personal life and your professional career.


12 monthly payments of

  • or (one-time payment of $1,497)


12 monthly payments of

  • or (one-time payment of $1,497)

Remember that the learning starts on April 1st, but the doors to access the spring cohort of Reinvented Moms close on March 19th.


Si compras una profesión, tienes hasta el sábado 20 para llevarte este BONUS POR TIEMPO LIMITADO:

Cómo atraer y trabajar con tus clientes ideales: La clave para que empieces a conseguir de manera constante y con facilidad a tus clientes ideales.

Este bonus incluye:


Identificación y Comunicación
Te ayudamos a definir quién es tu cliente ideal y a identificar tu mensaje para que puedas captar su atención de manera intencionada.


En esta lección te ayudamos a construir tu intención. ¿Porqué quieres conseguir esos clientes? Tu intención te ayudará a mantenerte conectada con tu deseo y a crear el éxito con el que sueñas.


Te llevaremos de la mano en un proceso guiado para ayudar a que tu mente subconsciente se suba a bordo y conecte con tu intención.


 Acción Inspirada
En esta última lección definiremos la acción inspirada que necesitarás tomar para poder conseguir esos clientes soñados.

University Certification by IQS Universitat Ramon Llull

All of our methodologies include a 12-credit University Extension Certificate.

Try Reinvented Moms risk-free with our guarantee

If, within 15 days from the start of the methodology, you feel that you have not made progress or do not like what you have seen, we will refund your money, no questions asked.

Do you have any questions? Request your professional orientation call!

If you have doubts about which profession to choose or would simply like guidance from someone on our team, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you choose the profession that best suits your needs. 

Leave us your details and we’ll call you back, with no obligation.


You will be ready to work virtually with clients from all over the world, dedicating the time you choose to work.

It's time to design your own life. No more giving up what you like. No more having to choose between family and career. No more wasting time on transportation or boring jobs.


It is designed by and for mothers like you.

There’s no one better than them to share how they have lived this experience with us.

He pasado de no tener ni idea de como se monta una campaña de publicidad en redes y ahora mismo entiendo todo el proceso, se como funciona, he logrado ofrecer mis servicios y he conseguido mi primer cliente.


Actualmente trabajo como enfermera con turnos rotativos y me propuse un cambio porque no quería perderme los fines de semana con mi familia. Para mí Project Manager era una profesión desconocida, después de realizar la metodología he descubierto el gran abanico de posibilidades que te abre esta profesión a nivel digital. Lo que quieras hacer lo puedes hacer.


My reinvention came when my daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease. At that moment, I left my job of more than 15 years in a multinational company and decided to reinvent myself.


I have 3 daughters and have been working for many years in an international company, and I have undergone several changes since COVID. I continue to balance both thingsmy job and my entrepreneurship.


Mamis Digitales llega en un momento de mi vida en el que por temas de salud necesitaba reinventarme. Elegí Media Buyer como complemento a Community Manager y lo que hace especial esta formación es que va más allá del contenido, en ella he encontrado compañerismo, apoyo y una red de mamis increibles con las que comparto el mismo sueño.


Quiero dar las gracias a Mamis Digitales porque me han abierto un mundo de posibilidades, de ilusión y de ver que puedo superarme. Yo pensaba que era incapaz de aprender esta profesión de Media Buyer y con Mamis Digitales he visto que puedo, una persona como yo sin conocimientos en el mundo virtual y desde cero lo he aprendido todo paso a paso.


Before learing about Moms, I already had experience in Digital Marketing, but getting to know Reinvented Moms has given me the necessary push to take it seriously and dedicate myself to this definitively.


I came across Reinvented Moms two years ago and was hesitant to take the leap. Now that I’ve made the decision, I know it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Sometimes I wonder how it would have been if I had made the decision earlier.


After 20 years as an administrative assistant, I realized I was missing important moments in the lives of my 4 children, so I decided to reinvent myself. Currently, I m a digital marketing consultant for the city council and for an association of small and medium enterprises where I live.



I was a bit lost in the job market working for others, so I decided to start my own business. Now, I have a couple of clients and am looking for more, although I already consider myself a Reinvented Mom and an entrepreneur.


I was looking for an alternative job that I could combine with caring for my son. It is very difficult to succeed if you don’t have support. With Reinvented Moms, I got very practical training and the support of a community that helps you to start your own journey as a Freelancer.


Before joining Reinvented Moms, I was looking to work from home and a potential client contacted me, asking me to manage their social networks. Today I am very happy because I already have my second client.


For me, Reinvented Moms has been a source of strength to not give up. Thanks to my colleagues, I can be here with my daughters.


Before joining Reinvented Moms, I was not motivated in my work. With effort and perseverance, we can always achieve what we set out to do.


I am a translator and have been working as a freelancer for a 11 years, but I was at a point where I needed to expand my roles. That’s when I decided to join Reinvented Moms.


I am an actress dedicated to the performing arts. I decided to join Reinvented Moms to explore new businesses and new ways of communication as a way to professionalize my career.


In addition to the community that supports and accompanies you, what I value most about the methodology is that you start from scratch; it is not necessary to have prior knowledge or experience.


I joined Reinvented Moms when my son was born because I realized that I didn’t want to miss any part of his life. What I liked most about Reinvented Moms was the training in the last two weeks.


I am an entrepreneur, and I realized that the part I was missing the most was knowing how to manage social media. The methodology has been very useful, and I’ve applied it to my business and also offered this service to other clientes.


Hacer la metodología DELEITA de Ecommerce Manager ha permitido que actualmente pueda estar trabajando con mis clientes y viviendo momentos de conciliación con mi hija. ¡Ha cambiado mi vida!


I work as a Virtual Assistant in a call center and have decided to reinvent myself as a Social Media Manager so I can enjoy being with my 18-year-old daughter. For me, the most important thing is to have the freedom to choose my schedule and become my own boss.


Montse ya gestionaba las redes sociales de la empresa en la que trabajaba y decidió formarse con Mamis Digitales para ofrecer un servicio más profesional. Lo que vivió durante su aprendizaje la animó a dar el paso y dedicarse en exclusiva a gestionar las redes sociales de sus clientes.


(Valorados en 1.345€)

Limited time bonus

Diseñados para acelerar y simplificar tu carrera profesional como Profesional Digital

Innovación y Networking sin límites con Elia Cortés

Elia nos adentra dentro del mundo del networking y la innovación

En este bonus aprenderás a entablar relaciones duraderas para incrementar tu red de contactos y tus posibilidades de conseguir clientes, proveedores y relaciones que te aporten valor en tu día a día.

Cómo ser más productiva y organizarte más y mejor para llegar a todo con Isa Sánchez

Isa Sánchez de masymejor.com

Te dará unas sencillas pautas para vivir feliz, haciendo lo que te gusta en el día a día, sin tener que pasar miles de horas delante de la pantalla. Esta formación mejora la organización de tu día a día, te ayuda a cumplir tus objetivos, a mejorar tu productividad, y acaba con el estrés diario y el agotamiento mental que padeces continuamente.

La empresa más importante que lideras es tu vida con Esther Bauset

Esther ayuda a emprendedoras a disfrutar de su vida.

Cuando decides apostar por una reinvención profesional es normal que te sientas poco preparada. Esther te ayudará a vencer el famoso síndrome del impostor y a darte el valor que te mereces. Con estas sencillas pautas podrás sacar todo el potencial que tienes dentro y abrir tus alas para volar muy alto.

Expertos invitados en cada profesión

Que te ayudarán a potenciar tus habilidades.

Contamos con lecciones específicas de expertos para cada profesión: Ana Pedroche, Oscar Marrón, Geni Ramos, Pepe Romera, Roger Barrero, Ari Chazán y muchos más.

Here is a summary of what you'll get:

Join Reinvented Moms today


12 monthly payments of

  • or (one-time payment of $1,497)


12 monthly payments of

  • or (one-time payment of $1,497)
University certification_circular

Remember that the learning starts on April 1st, but the doors to access the spring cohort of Reinvented Moms close on March 19th.


Si compras una profesión, tienes hasta el sábado 20 para llevarte este BONUS POR TIEMPO LIMITADO:

Cómo atraer y trabajar con tus clientes ideales: La clave para que empieces a conseguir de manera constante y con facilidad a tus clientes ideales.

Este bonus incluye:


Identificación y Comunicación
Te ayudamos a definir quién es tu cliente ideal y a identificar tu mensaje para que puedas captar su atención de manera intencionada.


En esta lección te ayudamos a construir tu intención. ¿Porqué quieres conseguir esos clientes? Tu intención te ayudará a mantenerte conectada con tu deseo y a crear el éxito con el que sueñas.


Te llevaremos de la mano en un proceso guiado para ayudar a que tu mente subconsciente se suba a bordo y conecte con tu intención.


 Acción Inspirada
En esta última lección definiremos la acción inspirada que necesitarás tomar para poder conseguir esos clientes soñados.

Do you have any questions? Request your professional orientation call!

If you have doubts about which profession to choose or would simply like guidance from someone on our team, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you choose the profession that best suits your needs.

Leave us your details and we’ll call you back, with no obligation.


They are hiring mothers like you!

There’s no one better than our clients to tell you how they have lived this experience with us.

I’m a fitness coach with very active social media. I recommend Reinvented Moms 1000%. They did a job that managed to conveny my story, and the audience reacted impressively. It is a pleasure to work with people who have that quality, honesty, talent, knowledge and professionalism.

 -Rebeca Rubio

In our digitization process, we decided to contact Reinvented Moms to take care of our social media. We are very happy with the work they do as they can capture our day-to-day and portray it perfectly. We are very pleased because it has given our center visibility.

-Claudia García – El Cel de Rubí

My business changed completely when I hired two Reinvented Moms. My productivity has multiplied by 1,000. I feel more calm, rested and confident since I have two experts helping me and rowing alongside me. Try it because you won’t regret it.

 -Laura Vidal – Huella Emocional

Desde que Laura de Mamis Digitales se unió a nuestro equipo como experta en Ecommerce Manager, hemos sido testigos de increibles cambios. Gracias a ella hemos logrado abrir nuestra página web en Amazon y llevar nuestras ventas a otros nuevos niveles. Estamos encantados con su profesionalidad, su dedicación y su habilidad de maximizar nuestro rendimiento dentro de esta plataforma.

-Stephan – Mawe Blocks

It was about time that someone cared about this situation affecting thousands of mothers’ lives. And who better than other mothers who have already made it work for them?

We know how you feel because we have been there before.

Yet now we can proudly say that we are not only mothers: We are hard-working, independent women who have harnessed the power of technology to rise professionally and create our own business, a business that allows us to take care of our children, be there when they need us, and enjoy family time every day.


We believe in you, in the qualities and abilities that make you a unique and hard-working woman, one who never gives up and tirelessly seeks balance in her life.

We believe in the attentive and loving mother you are, and in the professional and successful woman you are about to become.

Do you have doubts?

Here are some frequently asked questions.

Don’t worry, we will guide you and teach you the basics. And with the proposed exercises, you can practice and gradually improve. Also, remember that you are not alone: you will have your peers, your tutor and the course creators to answer all your questions.

We have calculated that you will need 2 hours a day. The videos are a maximum of 20 minutes long, but you will need time to put into practice what you have learned. The best part is that you can organize yourself as you like since there is no predetermined schedule.

Don’t worry. You can send your questions throughout the week in the Facebook group. The tutor will be responsible for preparing the questions in advance so that the course creators can answer them on Mondays. All sessions are recorded and you can watch them at the time that suits you best.

It is not a mandatory requirement, as there are companies that can hire you as an employee. But if you decide to work as an independent contractor, don’t worry because registering is fast and simple. 

We have a 15-day guarantee. If during the first 15 days of learning you decide that it is not for you, we will refund your money without any questions or requirements.

There are no requirements to become a digital professional! You can use your previous experience, skills and expertise to offer your services.

Do you want to speak with us?

Request a call

Leave us your name and phone number, and we will call you without any obligation.

Chat with us.

Write to us on WhatsApp, and we will answer all your questions.

que necesitas Cómo convertirte en community managers profesional 2

Join Reinvented Moms today


12 monthly payments of

  • or (one-time payment of $1,497)


12 monthly payments of

  • or (one-time payment of $1,497)
University certification_circular

Remember that the learning starts on April 1st, but the doors to access the spring cohort of Reinvented Moms close on March 19th.

© 2024 reinvented moms